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Department for Transport’s Through the Traffic Signs Manual – updated chapters now available

Traffic Signs Manual, Chapters 1 and 4 coversThe DfT’s Traffic Signs Manual provides guidance to traffic authorities and sign designers on good practice in respect of the design and use of traffic signs, in order to provide appropriate and adequate information for road users.

The Manual is published by TSO in discrete chapters, each of which deals with a specific signing topic. Chapter 1 provides a general introduction and the legislative background while Chapter 4 explains the use of warning signs prescribed by Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016. Printed copies of new versions of both are now available from TSO, with updated Chapters 3, 5 and 7 to be published early in 2019.

[Other useful and related DfT transport and traffic sign information links can be found on the published reports page of the Members’ Area of our website. Members, you will need to log-in to access them.]