Noma Wayfinding, Manchester (isGroup)
Project Name: Noma wayfinding
Client: Casey P & Co Ltd, Murraywood Construction, NOMA
Sector: Towns & cities
Location: Manchester, UK
The role: isGroup designed, manufactured and installed eleven WAY2GO illuminated wayfinding totem/monolith signs throughout Manchester.
The brief: As part of NOMAs £800 million mixed-use development isGroup had the opportunity to provide luxurious sets of wayfinding signs. Each site had to incorporate the NOMA branding, but also have its own recognised style. As each square’s architecture has its own identity. isGroup was responsible for the technical development of the design brief, advising on the most suitable materials for the environment and wayfinding specification, which led to the use of our range – WAY2GO wayfinding signage
Outcome: WAY2GO works with a standardised range of subframe combined with inter-changeable panels allowing the design to suit any brief. From stainless steel, toughened glass and aluminium to natural stone or hardwood, WAY2GO gives you the freedom to select materials right for your environment.
For Sadler’s Yard isGroup produced 5a WAY2GO signs, all of which were customised with soft white illumination. The top panel consisted of individual glass planks that presented information and identified nearby places of interest. The lower panels presented a specialist sourced West Moreland stone at the base, carved with the NOMA logo. This elegantly sat below a decorative filigree pattern of painted aluminium, with an LED light sheet to the rear to provide soft illumination.
Angel Garden’s signs comprised of another 6 WAY2GO signs. These totems included similar characteristics to Sadler’s Yard, but customised for the new site such as using Whitworth Yorkshire Stone and a decorative cog pattern made from aluminium. The totems also incorporated a digital viewer within the middle section of the signs which house historical artefacts inside.
By using WAY2GO new panels can be produced quickly with a 4 week turn around required for Sadler’s Yard. Every panel on the NOMA sign can be modified to suit any new brief, further future-proofing sign design, while offering the incorporation of digital screens for digital integration. This feature enabled this project to achieve its unique style.
In 2014 isGroup won ‘Wayfinding Sign of the Year’ at BSGA Awards for Salder’s Yard
Case Study Submitted by: isGroup, (