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Doncaster Urban Centre Masterplan (ABG Design)

Outdoor view showing wayfinding totem (as part of Doncaster Urban Centre Masterplan)

Project Name: Doncaster Urban Centre Masterplan

Client: Doncaster City Council

Sector: Towns and cities

Location: Doncaster (UK)

Role: Signage, wayfinding and mapping

The Brief: Ensuring Doncaster town centre is the focus for business and enterprise, building on the success of the current historic markets and raising the aspirations and functions of the markets. The signage, wayfinding and mapping were only one part of the town’s regeneration with a programme of enhancing green spaces and waterways to create a better environment for visitors, investments and city heritage.

Outcome: Through a competitive tender ABG Design won the contract to design new signage, wayfinding and mapping for the regeneration of Doncaster town centre. ABG Design worked in partnership with Streetwise to ensure the level of signage and positioning throughout the town delivers optimum success in terms of promoting the existing and new assets the town has to offer and allowing the signage to tell the stories of the town’s rich cultural history. A completely new town map was drawn up by ABG Design with key buildings being highlighted in a 3D form. Signage design consisted of large-scale map totems and a range of fingerposts that provide walk times to all key destinations.

Case Study Submitted By: ABG Design, Howard Miles, Managing Director (

Close up of one of the information totems in Doncaster (part of the project for Doncaster Council by ABG Design)