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Perdiswell Leisure Centre (xsign)

External view of Perdiswell Leisure Centre showing name signage

Project Name: Perdiswell Leisure Centre Signage

Clients: Perdiswell Leisure Centre and Cantoo Design

Sector: Retail & leisure

Location: Worcester (UK)

Role: Sign scheme design, signs manufacture & signs installation

The Brief: xsign have built a strong partnership with Eric Klein Velderman, designer at Cantoo Design. He commissioned the company to provide the sign scheme for a new architectural space at Perdiswell Leisure Centre, having previously completed projects together for Midlands local schools e.g. Kettering Buccleuch Academy, Barwell Area Primary School

Outcome: Perdiswell Leisure Centre opened in January 2017 after a £10.5 million refurbishment and extension.

Braille information is featured on door signs all throughout the leisure centre and hearing loops are in place to support deaf visitors. The signs also use a colour-coding system which is designed to help those with dementia.

Regarding materials, xsign supplied their Jigsaw™ secret fixing sign system which allows for easier maintenance. 5mm thick Frosted Lucite panels were supplied which are spaced from the wall by 8mm and can be easily unlocked and removed to facilitate interior redecoration and painting.

Exterior branding includes illuminated letters and a custom-fabricated stainless steel totem.

xsign products provided Cantoo Design with a palette of materials and fixing systems with which to explore creative ways to display wayfinding solutions and to help the signage to blend naturally within the architecture.

Case Study Submitted By: xsign, (

Composite image showcasing four internal views of xsign signage for Perdiswell Leisure Centre